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The Basics of Understanding Your Child

In most cases, parents become hard and strict with their children. They scold and reprimand them for their behavior and in the end become sorry for doing so. Responsible parenthood entails understanding your child. Here are some tips on how you can succeed in this aspect of parenthood.

Get To Know Your Children
When you have the time, individually talk to each of your children. Tell them about traits that are unique to them. By doing so, a special bond with your child is established.  This way, you will be able to understand them better. 

Having the time to communicate with your child is crucial to becoming a responsible and successful parent. At the same time, it will help you in guiding your child as they mature. 

It is worthwhile. The payoff is the intimate knowledge of whom your child is, which lays the foundation for the guidance you offer them.

Treat Your Child According To Their Nature
Since your child is unique from each other, you need to treat them separately. What is applicable to one may not be the same with the other. The philosophy one-size-fits-all is not exactly applicable in this case. Doing so will create some problems with your relationship with your children.

You need to tailor your actions and treatment according to the nature of each child. It is important to train your child according their nature so they would not forget it even if they become old, which is what the Proverbs say.

Criticize Their Traits, Not Behavior
When reprimanding, criticize your child for the personality trait that led to the inappropriate behavior and not for their action. As the saying goes, you need to trim the root and not the fruit. Ignoring the trait that causes the bad choice can lead to similar results in the future.

Do not rebuke your child but concentrate on the trait that led them to do such action. The action may not be bad but it is what caused such behavior. The resulting behavior may have been the right one based on the bad trait so the latter is what you need to correct.

As a parent, you need to determine the real cause of the problem by rooting out the bad trait that led to the wrong action. This is only possible when you have an understanding of your child.

Praise Your Child for Their Action
On the other hand, the handling of a good personality trait should be positive. However, do not relate them to their action as this could pressure them to establish their goodness by constantly doing well. In the process, they could wear themselves down.

Bear in mind that your child has endowment of innate personalities. They will remain in your child so you need to harness them appropriately. Every one of us has our own tendencies, whether innate or developed through experience. We are not responsible for them but our liability is with our actions.

Teach Your Child To Harness Their Character
When it comes to personality traits, there are always two sides to it: positive and negative. Not getting angry is a positive character but it can also turn out to be a negative trait.

As a parent, you are responsible for teaching your child learn about their primary character traits as well as the strengths and challenges that they offer. Helping them understand their own personality traits can last a lifetime.

By following these tips, you will be able to master the skill of understanding your child and in the process ensure a harmonious relationship with your child.



How to Understanding Your Child.

Understanding your child is one of the most important things that you should learn as a parent. It is very helpful in becoming effective in guiding and nurturing your child as they grow and mature. You need to bear in mind that your child has a unique personality trait that remains consistent throughout life. 

One of the ways you can understand your child is by observing them as they sleep, eat, or play. Look for the consistent traits. Which activities do they like best? Is adjusting to changes easy for them or do they need time to become familiar with these things? These things are the normal characteristics of a child and your child may not be an exception. 

As much as possible, have time to talk to your children, as this is crucial to gaining information and understanding. In the case of young children, they require less verbal language and more facial expression and body language in order to understand their thoughts and feelings. Asking them questions will allow them to share their feelings to you. 
For example, rather than asking them what they did in school; ask them what they built with their blocks today. Instead, of asking them if they played with their playmate, focus on the game they played.

Another way of understanding your child is by looking at their environment in order to learn about a certain behavior that you have observed. Relatives, childcare providers, friends, teachers, the community, the home setting, and other aspects of the environment can play a crucial role in the behavior of your child. For example, if your child is showing aggressiveness towards other children at school, you may want to find out all the possible sources of their aggressive behavior.

Some possible angles would be their association with another child who is showing aggressive tendencies as well. The environment at home is another possible source for such behavior. Have there been conflicts and arguments at home lately that your child there watching? These are some angles, which you should consider when trying to find the reason behind your child's aggressive behavior.

In addition, you can learn about your child by observing other children belonging to the similar age group. You can check out books, browse the Internet, and attend a class about child development. Bear in mind that you went through the same stages as a child so more or less the behavior of children in that same stage would be similar. However, the speed of development through each stage is a personal thing.

By understanding your child's development, you will be able to provide them with opportunities as well as toys that can boost their development and prepare them for the next phase of their growth. At the same time, you as a parent would be able to set expectations and limits that are acceptable to your child.

Being a responsible parent is hard especially currently when parents spend more time working rather than being with their kids. Quality time is difficult to achieve when you are trying to juggle your time between corporate life and parenthood. Not many people achieve success in parenthood and this could be frustrating on your part. Understanding your child is one effective way of becoming successful in the art of parenting.